Configure node externals in a NodeJS code that bundles React code


In most cases, we bundle TypeScript/JavaScript code to run in NodeJS only when we are doing SSR with a frontend library such as React. We generally use webpack-node-externals to create a JS bundle that will be run inside NodeJS. We use webpack-node-externals to avoid including installed packages from node_modules. Excluding node_modules from the bundle has benefits explained here.


Suppose the developer is using a pacakge such as d3-shape (recharts package has d3-shape as it's dependency) which has ES modules instead of commonjs. Such packages cannot run in NodeJS until processed with a transpiler such as babel. We have to transpile and include d3-shape in the bundle, but, we won't be able to do it until we allow it specifically in the webpack-node-externals 's configuration (using the allowlist option in the configuration). This will solve the problem but then we will have to keep on adding packages to the allowlist.


We generally run two separate webpack builds for NodeJS:

  1. One for code containing the React app. In this webpack configuration we DON'T use webpack-node-externals .

  2. One for the code that has express server or any other package that should not be included in the bundles (packages with dependency on NodeJS extension). In this webpack configuration we use webpack-node-externals .